Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The Intent: Take somewhat of a sabbatical or 'mid-term retirement' by having excessive free time while young(ish)

The Plan: Travel the contiguous U.S., living in a van, finding and trying out great running and biking trails AND NOT develop too much for plans - one year

The Goal: Discover what it is like to have very few responsibilities and do what we want, when we want

The Hopes: Develop a healthier lifestyle, and maybe even reconnect with our 'true selves'

I include some 'we's and an 'our' above, but really am speaking for myself.  I have to admit there has not been a lot of discussion of why this is happening.  We want to do it and are in a position to do it.

I am highly confident this will be a great experience, and I expect that it will be blissful at the start.  I am less certain that it will continue that way for a year; is it possible to run/bike/hike/yoga/play/read/write/contemplate as much as you want and not get sick of it??  I will let you know...

I'll also make the admission that this trip was Rudy's idea.  He has kept everything moving forward, including practically all the work to get the van prepared, and more than half the work to get the house prepared.  I'm attempting to 'document' this little adventure for friends and family, and possibly even future us!