Monday, December 12, 2016


December 3
The cold morning helped prevent much dawdling before finishing the drive to Sedona. Justin and Rudy enjoyed their first Sedona ride, including the Hangover Trail which was highly recommended from several sources. Meanwhile, I hung out at Starbucks, tuned into the Western States Lottery, then looked at qualifiers for next year since I didn't get in. There was still time in the afternoon for Rudy and I to get in a relatively easy bike ride on the Bell Rock and Big Park trails while Justin chilled.

Bell Rock and Couthouse Butte
It was nice having a little warmer weather than we've seen since leaving Phoenix! We were able to get back to the camping spot south of town we shared with Tim a couple weeks ago early enough for me to get in a short sunset stroll. We cooked up bean soup that had been soaking a couple days and Rudy and I played some Trivial Pursuit - I didn't put the winner in my notes! Probably me

December 4
A nice sunny morning, good for making some bacon and eggs outside - too much cleanup to do that very often, in my opinion... On the way to town we stopped by a rest area where Rudy ended up chatting with the janitor, who claimed to be a former Silicon Valley go-getter that decided workaholism wasn't worth it and found a simpler life in Arizona - a good story regardless of how factual it may be! Eventually we were back into Sedona for more biking for the guys, and a run for me - pretty cool trails with javelina themed names (Hog Heaven, High on the Hog, Pig Tail, etc). There was also a crazy trail called 'White Line' that was included in the boys ride.

White Line trail goes straight up the rock
View from Submarine Rock

After getting back to camp, we enjoyed some rice along with little curry packets Justin provided - pretty easy and tasty. Then, Trivial Pursuit - Rudy and I vs. Justin, maybe not so fair, but Justin held his own :) Another little milestone achieved was Rudy and I both finishing a book.

December 5
A slow, unhurried morning. Justin had some things to take care of, so Rudy and I rode the Bell Rock area again. Rudy was able to get in a more 'fun' ride with Justin in the afternoon while I got in a run on some of the easier trails. Surprisingly, our camping spot was taken, so we ended up further down the road in a little quieter location - worked out well! Justin spent the evening in town, so Rudy and I did simple bean and rice burritos before a round of Trivial Pursuit - Leslie win!

December 6
Another slow morning, mostly spent at the Library. Early afternoon we headed to West Loops for biking. This area had more 'intermediate' trails for me, so that was fun! We got back to our 'choice' spot for the night and, for no reason in particular, had a little feast including fancy olives, spaghetti, italian sausage and peach and blueberry pies. Evening entertainment was limited to starting The Avengers - Age of Ultron before food coma took over.

December 7
A cloudy and cool day, still comfortable for running and biking! We went back to the Bell Rock area. Rudy and Justin were able to connect to some different trails from there, and I ran a mix of easy and new-to-me advanced trails to get in a good 20-miler.

Cypress 'forest'

Everyone was tired and sore in a good way! Sadly, it was time for Justin to head back to Duluth - after the guys got a headlight replaced on his car - good thing that was noticed before the long drive! Rudy and I got to camp a little earlier than usual, and got in some chilling before taking care of some leftovers for dinner, then fitting in two games of Trivial Pursuit - Rudy won both! followed by finishing the Avengers movie.

December 8
A sunnier day made the cool temps and breeze more tolerable. A morning gravel road run for me was good, thinking I'll try to take care of my next Western States qualifier at Rocky Raccoon in February. Rudy made a quick trip to the rest stop to get water, otherwise we spent the day chilling at camp - Rudy cleaned up his bike and watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I got in some yoga and strolling, and made some ginger syrup to mix with apple cider vinegar for some 'tonic'. I like these lazy days on occasion! We made macaroni and alfredo for dinner, and had a Trivial Pursuit Rudy domination repeat.

December 9
Another nice morning. We checked out Montezuma Well, a large spring in the desert with its own special ecosystem and lots of ducks in the winter.

In the afternoon, Rudy participated in a group ride from Bike and Bean - a bike shop and coffee shop. I hung out at the shop and enjoyed a great cappuccino and americano while signing up for Rocky Raccoon and looking up some pictures of local plants. We managed to enjoy some pizza and beer post-ride and get good advice on riding and camping in the area from the locals. We tried one of the spots a little closer to town (Beaverhead Flat Road) - not great, but not terrible either - good for sleeping! The rest of the evening included random snacks and watching Antman - not the most entertaining of the movies we've watched lately.

December 10
A lazy morning, but we made it to new to us trails west of town (Skywalker, Old Post, Scorpion, and others).  Rudy got in some riding and I went for a longish run, deciding the trails were a little more than I wanted to tackle on bike. Yet another pretty area, with wicked plants, and more great views over Sedona.

Following the fun stuff, we spotted a bake sale at a church and picked up some gingerbread and a pumpkin loaf - both delicious! We were back at our original spot early enough for a little yoga session before we cleaned up some leftovers and once again played Trivial Pursuit - Leslie win!

December 11
Rudy found another group ride early so we actually set alarms and didn't dawdle! I do like to get out a little earlier. The Bell Rock area again - I biked on my own and got in a few new trails while Rudy biked with the 'group' of a few other locals and had a good time. A little lunch, then to the Little Horse Trailhead for Rudy to get in one last ride and me one last run in Sedona. Early afternoon we headed to Prescott where a friend from Duluth's brother, Trevor, lives. The scenic route on Highway 89A was worth a little extra drive time as we got to see the quaint little mountain town of Jerome - failed to get any photos though! The rest of the day was enjoyed chatting with Trevor, his wife Carline, and their buddy John and consume some fantastic burritos.

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